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Advice on selling your home in the Algarve

Do you need advice when selling your home in the Algarve? Please contact our real estate agency. We have extensive experience in the region.

Energy Certificate; obliged when selling property in Portugal

The energy certificate is obliged to have when selling property in Portugal

How are expatriates taxed in Portugal?

What does the current Portuguese tax landscape look like for expatriats living in or thinking about moving to Portugal? If you’re a UK national living in or thinking about moving to Portugal what is to be expected when moving in 2020? This article provides a great overview of the applicable taxes in Portugal in 2020.

Brexit: the clock is ticking

The clock is ticking, Brexit is coming closer.

UK assets invite a bigger tax bill after Brexit?

In preparation for Brexit, most UK expatriates in Portugal have secured residence or put plans in place to settle before the transition period ends in December. But the planning shouldn’t end there, especially if you still have assets and investments in the UK. Brexit itself will not affect the double tax agreements that determine which country has the right to tax expatriates. However, two key changes are set to happen from 2021 that may change your tax treatment.

IMT - Portuguese property transfer tax

What are the applicable IMT rates and how is the IMT calculated? Which changes have been approved in 2020 and who is responsible to pay the IMT? Read all the information about this property transfer tax in this article.

Portugal gets ready for summer tourists

Portugal gets ready for summer tourists with restaurants opening doors in May & hotels by end of June. The second phase of gradually opening the economy and social life has started on May 18 and as the effects of the pandemic in Portugal has maintained its downward curve after lifted measures in phase 1, it's strengthening confidence and certainty in entering the second phase and likewise those proposed for the subsequent phases.

Clean & Safe seal launched in Portugal

At a time when the recovery of the sector is being prepared, tourism enterprises, tourist entertainment companies and travel agencies can now request the declaration as a “Clean & Safe” Establishment.

What is the best place in the world to live?

Forbes published an article that included the top 3 destinations in the world to live and retire after COVID-19. They wrote: "The experience of this challenging period will give us a strengthened and perhaps reinvented understanding of what is most important in life." This situation gives new perspectives and shows that we should not delay choices, but must choose quality of life now." And do you know which location they considered to be the number one place in the world to retire or move to for a better lifestyle? Correct, the Algarve.

Currency exchange when selling property

When selling your property in Portugal it is best to decide in advance how you wish to receive the proceeds of your house sale.  Know exactly which amount you will receive in your home currency.

iMERGENCIES: medical assistance in English

You’ve bought a house in the perfect location in Portugal, but you’re not yet fully proficient in the Portuguese language, and perhaps your new home is situated somewhere a bit more remote. It’s nice and quiet, but what if you suddenly need medical assistance? IMERGENCIES will be there for you.

Capital gains tax on property in Portugal (New Rules for non-residents from 1/1/2023)

Your Portuguese property has been sold. You’ve made a nice profit on it. Can you keep this profit entirely to yourself or will you have to pay tax on it? This will depend on a variety of factors which we will clearly list in this article.

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