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iMERGENCIES: medical assistance in English

You’ve bought a house in the perfect location in Portugal, but you’re not yet fully proficient in the Portuguese language, and perhaps your new home is situated somewhere a bit more remote. It’s nice and quiet, but what if you suddenly need medical assistance? IMERGENCIES will be there for you.


The first Portuguese words were easy to master, but what if there’s a sudden emergency and your partner, family member or someone who is visiting you needs specific medical assistance?


There’s a good chance that the person who answers the phone at 112 (the Portuguese emergency number) won’t speak English. Plus, you’ll probably be panicking and struggle to find the right words to explain the situation in Portuguese. This could lead to the emergency services misunderstanding your situation or writing down your address incorrectly, leading to all manner of consequences.


iMERGENCIES: the link between you and the Portuguese emergency services


Fortunately, this can all be prevented if you use iMERGENCIES. IMERGENCIES is the link between you as a resident or holidaymaker in Portugal and the Portuguese emergency services.


Six languages ​​are spoken at IMERGENCIES' centre of operation: Portuguese, English, German, Dutch, Spanish and French. Therefore, you’ll be directly assisted in English wherever possible when you call the emergency help line. After the IMERGENCIES staff member has clearly understood what help is needed from their conversation with you, they’ll switch to Portuguese to communicate with the required emergency service for you. This way, help can be sent to your house as quickly as possible.


This is even more useful as not all emergency service vehicles in Portugal are equipped with GPS. Thanks to the oral guidance of IMERGENCIES, who has the exact location of your home registered in their system, no unnecessary time is wasted searching for the right address.


Easily accessible, even for more remote places


Even if you live more remotely, you won't have to worry. When you decide to use the IMERGENCIES service, a team member will visit you to map the fastest route to your home. This route is stored on a computer-generated map. Whenever you have an IMERGENCIES staff member on the phone, this route is immediately shown in order for them to explain to the Portuguese emergency service how to reach your home as quickly as possible.


Other useful data is also stored in a special database. This may include your blood type, possible use of medications, allergies and other important medical data. The same applies to contact details of family members, key holders and neighbours, so that practical matters such as taking care of pets can be easily arranged. As soon as there is an emergency, all this information is immediately available.


IMERGENCIES and traffic accidents


As a member of IMERGENCIES, you’ll receive a sticker for your car windscreen. What happens if you get injured or become unconscious in a traffic accident? This sticker warns the Portuguese authorities to contact the IMERGENCIES team.


Your emergency button always at hand


In addition, you can also use a Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) with IMERGENCIES. This is a necklace or bracelet with a built-in alarm system which can be added for an additional cost.


As soon as you press the emergency button on the device, you make direct contact with the IMERGENCIES alarm centre. At the same time, IMERGENCIES immediately receives the GPS coordinates of your current location so that help can be sent accurately.


The PERS device is especially useful in the event of a burglary or robbery. If you press the emergency button, the IMERGENCIES team can listen to what is happening and can contact the police without any warning to the intruder. The emergency button can also be programmed to immediately alert neighbours, friends or family in the event of an accident or other problem.


Use the services of IMERGENCIES


The emergency service from IMERGENCIES is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a small annual fee. It can provide you peace of mind and can be your savier in times of emergency. 

Contact IMERGENCIES directly at